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Dafuq Goin Down In Memphis, Mayne?!

Ok, so we've all gotten news on Brandon Webber; the young, Black man (20 year old honor student and father) gunned down by police on June 13, 2019. Today, June 14, 2019, I've been hearing so many conflicting reports about what happened. Here's what we know for sure, undisputed:

1. The reason for the police presence at Brandon Webber's home was to serve him an arrest warrant

2. He was shot almost 20 times

Those are the only details that we can all agree on that actually happened. Everything else has been/is being debated. So this is what is being reported:

1. Webber was in contact with a man on Facebook about a truck that was for sale

2. Webber went to Hernando, Mississippi to look at the truck to purchase

3. Webber asked to test drive the truck and when they switched seats, Webber shot the man 5 times and flead to Memphis

4. The victim, who is alive and is still hospitalized as of today, picked Webber out of a photo lineup

5. TBI went to Webber's home to serve the arrest warrant

6. When they arrived, Webber was getting into a vehicle and attempted to run the police over

7. He made a clearing and was fleeing the scene when he was shot 15-20 times

8. After the shooting, police placed the entire neighborhood under lockdown, blocking entrances and exits to the street

9. The police then tear gassed onlookers who were waiting for answers

10. Riots broke out across Memphis, injuring 36 officers

11. GD (Gangsters Disciples) have placed a hit on any cop

Now here are rumors that I've heard, from those in Memphis and what's being talked about round the way. Let me stress that none of this has been reported, this is just what is being talked about:

1. Gangs from every sect (GD, VL, Crypts, Folk, even some in Latin Kings) have come together in demanding hits on police

2. The police did not announce themselves when approaching Webber so he thought he was under attack

3. There was a second person who was trying to protect Webber who also was shot and killed

4. National call to action from all gangs to fulfil hits on police

There's so much chaos surrounding these events. For starters, the police immediately locked down the neighborhood and gave no statement to the people in that neighborhood as if they were over-prepared to keep the event quiet and under-prepared to inform. Regardless of what is true or untrue, the fact that these police reacted the way that they did was sketchy af. You just gonna gas onlookers and not even tell them why? I have no desire to know whether or not Brandon Webber actually shot that man 5 times, I don't care if he stole the car, I don't even care (but it is a huge factor) if he really did try to mow those officers down, my one and only question is this; Why did the police react they way that they did?

That's what these riots are about. We're sick and tired of being sick and tired and this must have been the straw that broke the camel's back. No, I'm not calling for violence, I'm not calling for anything. But I've got to say that I'm not surprised that GD is calling out hits. And I wouldn't be surprised if every major gang is getting together to pull off knocking off cops. I mean, how long are we expected to be treated like this before we flip out? And I think mainstream media knows this, which explains how I've been listening to this all day long and each time, some element of the story is added, taken out and outright changed completely. It's an old trick, meant to confuse the public. I hadn't heard of the carjacking at all before all of this and I got kin in both Memphis and Mississippi. So the narrative is controlled like this: What's with all of the protests and riots in Memphis? Oh because another Black man was gunned down. But wait, he had priors... even though those priors were mostly traffic violations. But he shot a guy 5 times and took off with his truck. But he didn't do it. But he did... Round and round in circles we go, all while avoiding the ONLY question that matters: Why did the cops react the way that they did? Either they do this (serve warrants that end in shoot-outs) entirely way too much (and if that's the case, the onlookers would've been used to it and not have come outside for answers) or they have something to hide about this. Either way, it's a problem. I feel like we're getting so tired of having to ask for answers and beg for results while not only being turned away but being GASSED for asking, that we just got fed up and said fuck it. We're tired of pandering, shuckin and jivin, quietly waiting for explanations that shouldn't have been kept from us in the first place. We've been in need of someone to stand up and lead in a revolutionary way for so long that now, we're done looking.

I'm not condoning the use of violence against the police or anyone for that matter, I'm just saying, I get it. I understand what's happening and if something doesn't change with a quickness, it's only going to get worse. Bet 5 some celebrity is about to start saying some dumb shit or do some dumb shit to divide us. Any time they see us setting aside our problems to accomplish a bigger goal, they break that shit up quick. They called the Black Panthers a group of terrorists and broke the party up into sections that were all doomed to fail. There was Kanye's meltdown with Trump. And the biggest scam of all, Obama. Now, yall know I love our President Obama but come on, do you really think they'd have let him live, let alone into the White House, had he not had been in Their pockets? They only let us gather under Their pre-approved Negro.

This ought to be very interesting over these next few weeks. I'll keep my eye on it and I hope you do too. I'm curious as to where this will lead us. Are we going to let Them shut us up again or will we finally find a common ground and band together like we should've done years ago? Sign in on this website to get updated on these blog posts and I'll keep you informed as best as I can.


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